
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"All we need is a song to forget about it, What we need is a voice to set us free"

I haven’t updated in quite some time. I state the obvious.

I have, however, been keeping up with the blogs of my friends. And I genuinely enjoy reading each and everyone. It makes me so thankful for the people in my life. Reading your thoughts, seeing your creativity, it matters. At least to me it does. So much of who we really are, and who we would like to be, never fully gets translated sometimes. Not because we are inadequate at being our authentic selves, but because we become preoccupied with our own hectic lives that we cut ourselves, and our friends short. Yes, we might spend hours listening to one another, but how many times do you really talk to someone. Do you sit down and listen and recognize what isn’t being said. How many people have ever randomly turned to you and just asked you what your fears are? How many people have you asked?

I’ve noticed that the things we are constantly battling in our heads are sometimes the least spoken ones. This whole semester I’ve been asking people what they are afraid of, what their fears are. And whenever anyone answered me, regardless of what the answer was, they said it as though it was the biggest deal. Like if their fear were actually to happen it would physically break them in two. And I just wonder, if we would fear our fears so much if we realized how often others fear them too. Pretty much every person I talked to was absolutely petrified of failing. Petrified. Many admitted that living without a plan scares them shitless. Most are worried about being alone, or that they will never fall in love. That’s it. Those three. Well, the occasional spider, snake or heights would pop up, but for the most part, it was just these three.

So, more or less, we all fear the same fears. Yet, we never talk about it.


Because maybe if we did we would realize we will never end up truly alone because we all think alike. Maybe if we realized everyone has their own fears we would push aside our fear of failing, because it would dawn on us that the real reason we don’t want to fail is because of what others would think of us. They would still love you. Or they would be too busy with their own fears to care. And, even without scientific data, I can guarantee you every single person at some point in their life has had no plan. Has realized, I have no IDEA what I want to do with my life. I don’t really think any of us have it all planned out. Because it’s going to happen differently anyways. And I also think, after this semester that I’ve realized…

NO ONE has any FUCKING idea what he or she is really doing.

It’s called winging it while appearing to have your life together.

And we are all doing it, praying no one else realizes. Too bad we are all playing the same game. It’d be nice to have companions.

But when I read your blogs and see your updates the veneer of security vanishes and I have the opportunity to really understand how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking and what you wish would be. And I am overcome with thanks, because you are all even more amazing than you appear. You all have so much talent and authenticity that remains unseen.

You all matter to me. I love that for once I get to see your fears, because I can relate. I love that you want to share your interests with the world. I love that you have your own space to just dazzle and shine. Because that’s when I like you best. I’m not thanking you for being a friend. I’m thanking you for being you. Because every blog I visit is different. It is a reflection of you, not of who people think \ you are or perceive you to be, but an honest exposition of who you are and your absolutely superior intentions that usually remain hidden. I love that I get to secretly witness you figure out for yourself what everyone has been telling you for years. I love that you have an outlet, and I love that you let me peek into it.

An extremely good friend of mine (who should really continue blogging, because like HELL you don’t deserve one) and I came up with the 5c’s last year. Classy, confident, character, compassion and cruise control. The 5c’s every woman should practice everyday. And that is emulated in every single one of my friend’s blogs. Every single one.

I get the pleasure of taking a genuine look at your character, not your reputation. You are expressing you, thus you radiate confidence because you are not afraid to be you. Your cruise control, the way you live your life is exposed, and it becomes so clear the type of person you are and how you deal with problems and successes. You do it with class. In all of my friend’s blogs I see more compassion than I do vindictiveness. You are all classy, you write about ideas and experiences, never gossiping or talking ill about people. You all show an enormous amount of compassion, because the way you write about your lives proves you just want someone to understand and care, so that you can do the same in return.

You are all just amazing. That’s really what I’m rambling about. I love the unique person that you are. And I’m not even just talking about my friends with blogs, but those without. Because I know if you did, I would feel the same way. You know who you are. And you don’t compare yourself. You are amazing at being you. And I thank you for that, because your confidence and your personality add so much zest and sparkle to my own life.

I wish people blogged instead of facebooked. Maybe then we’d actually understand each other a little better. And maybe people would realize that it is the quality not the quantity of your friends that matter.

You are beautiful and you are loved. You have nothing to fear. You matter to me. And yes I’m talking to YOU. Just thought you should know, because I don’t think I say it enough. And I think you all deserve to hear it more often.


  1. I love you so much alex! you say what needs to be said and what hasn't been said already <3 you are the prettiest princess in all the land. I hope you got some amazing gifts and have spent time with your family LOADS and all your NJERSEY best friends!

  2. Those 5 C's are pretty freaking important, if you ask me! Words to live by :)

    Love you, and miss you!

  3. Love you Alex! and love this post! BLOG MOREEEE! I love what you have to say!!!
    Can't wait to see you and be reunited with my neighbra soon!!!

  4. Oh and fun fact, I referenced this in one of my blogs... :)

  5. This is AMAZING! A lot of what you said has been rolling around in my head for quite some time, and you seriously took the words right out of my mouth. Like Jordin said, keep blogging. You're incredible.
