
Friday, October 29, 2010

It’s pathetic I haven’t updated. I know. And this post is a lazy one, I’m too busy to come up with my own words, so I thought I would just share with you those of others.

Madonna is amazing. She’s one of my idols, not for her music or style, but for her mantras and mindset. I think she proves that you can be yourself and still be taken seriously and beloved. She’s a badass and she does what she pleases. And guess what? It works really, really, really well for her. Conformity is boring, but for the most part I would say it will get you where you want to go in life and you will face little resistance. But I think if you do as you truly want, you’ll get farther than you ever thought possible. Hell it works for Madonna. I think if every woman had her mentality there would be a lot more successes and less insecurities. The first quote has been one of my favorites since middle school.
"I'm tough, ambitious and know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, then OK."
"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give in. That takes courage; because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt."
"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."
"I have the same goal I've had ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world."
"Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done."
"To me, the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone else's painting is a little difficult."
"I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams."
"When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it."
"That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure."
"I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art."
"Because I've taken off my clothes don't mean that I've revealed every inch of my soul."
"I hate polite conversation. I hate it when people stand around and go, "Hi, how are you?" I hate words that don't have any reason or meaning. Also I hate it when people smoke in elevators and closed places. It's just so rude."
"You have to be patient. I'm not."
"I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist."
"I don't care anymore if people dress like me, now I want them to think like me."
"I think passive beauties have their place in the world. It's hard for me to relate to that."

John Mayer is a jerk. But he's a brilliant guitarist and an amazing song-writer. He's one of those musicians that pays attention to details, whose lyrics actually tell a story in addition to creating a great song. And for all of the obnoxious comments he's made in the media, he has actually said some pretty insightful things. In fact it is this first quote that sparked this whole post. I found it saved somewhere in the files of my computer. He says this so perfectly. Through a metaphor about crayons. Genius.

"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"

"I'd like to think the best of me was still hiding up in my sleeve. "

"Sometimes I wish that I was the weather, you'd bring me up in conversation forever. And when it rained, I'd be the talk of the day."

So what, so I've got a smile on. But it's hiding the superstitions in my head."

"I can't wait to figure out what is wrong with me, so I can say this is the way I used to be."

"Even if you think the flame has died, there's at least one lyric that'll hit that last hot spot, and then you'll find yourself as fucked as you were the day you lied and said you never wanted to see her again."

"I'm having the time of my life figuring out this next move."

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Tweet, Tweet, Twitter, Twitter."

I realize I have failed miserably at my challenge, however I have been busy increasing my social media consumption, which is essential to my day-to-day existence and apparently my chances at you know, a future career. Go figure.

Technology irritates me. It consumes everyone’s lives to the point where most people are incapable of writing a thank-you note or holding an actual face-to-face conversation without sounding like a bumbling idiot. Therefore, for the most part, I use social media sparingly, naturally believing it to be sadistic. And then I crossed to the dark side and got a twitter. (Follow me, just because I’m fabulous).

I previously deemed twitter to be absurd. Let’s offer another means for the public to express their every pointless, annoying thought, such as “Ate celery and peanut butter for lunch today. Yum.” EVERYONE is just so utterly fascinating they MUST deserve a place to share their genius. Mm. So I proudly boycotted this waste of Internet space. That is until a panel of strategic communications professionals informed me that without a twitter I’m basically wasting my time, and I could kiss my chance at snagging a good internship and job buh-bye. I sat there and continued to listen with resistance to the absurd notion that without being a social media-crazed loon, I couldn’t succeed in Strat. Comm. Yet, in the back of my mind I couldn’t ignore the tiny voice that was screaming, “Make a twitter. Achieve world domination.”

Naturally I caved. And naturally I now love twitter.

I love it, because it made me re-evaluate my use of all my social media. I’ve realized that if I manipulate twitter and facebook and blogging instead of being a helpless addicted victim, I can land myself an internship and hopefully a job, instead of wasted hours spent creeping through photos of a toga party.

Twitter has basically changed my life. Not really, but really. It’s making me a better writer, which is pretty life altering in my mind. Twitter: What an amazing concept, allow people to post their every thought, as long as that thought is under 140 CHARACTERS. Most people cannot make a point in 1400 characters. It is a challenge which is making me incredibly selective about the vocabulary I use and is probably the ONLY tool that has ever FORCED me to be concise in my writing. I don’t have a choice, I exceed the limit and I lose all publishing ability. It’s frustrating. And so simply BRILLANT. And, as crazy as it is, it’s demanding me to be witty and intelligent in basically one sentence. If all of my sentences were witty and intelligent in their own right, can you imagine what an entire blog post would sound like (much better than this I can assure you. It’s only been a two-week twitter relationship so far; expect improvement).

I’m embracing, not scorning this overload of social media. I’m accepting the advancements in technology and am determined to manipulate them in my favor. My roommate, Paige, thinks I’ve gone twitter crazy. And perhaps I have, but maybe I have to be, maybe I have to be an efficiendo of social media so I can tailor it to my needs without letting it consume my life. Basically, I love twitter. I love its successful attempt to end my writing rambling, I love how it assists me in staying up-to date with world events and I love how I can follow Kim Kardashian’s thoughts and emotions as she endured a stressful 13 minutes stuck in an elevator.

Happy Friday and happy tweeting. Follow me if you already aren’t; naturally my tweets are life altering.

Don’t have a twitter? Following my every thought should be enough of an incentive to start. You can thank and attribute your future life success to me later. Preferably via a tweet.