because life's greatest lessons are only written small
in the margins...
I apologize from the very bottom of my heart for my lack of posts. Funny thing about Sorority recruitment it depletes you of all your energy due until you're so mentally and physcially exhausted you can hardly stand up let alone sum up enough concentration and creativity to write a post. This past week has been hectic and tiring to say the least, but it's what I signed up for when I joined Phi Mu and I know all the hard work will pay off when we score an awesome pledge class. I actually have a lot to share about what this past week has taught me, what I truly feel about sorority life and how much I've discovered life is all about your attitude. I wish all of my friends and family could understand and comprehend what Rush Week at Mizzou is like, sadly it is completely indescriable and I could never explain it, the only way for them to fully grasp how intense and involved it is would be for them to come to Missouri and witness it for themselves. That, of course, is not happening. And I don't feel like wasting my time attempting to explain it, people will never understand and I guess that's okay, after all it just makes Phi Mu that much more special and sacred. I could tell you that we spend hours each day perfecting our bops and having lollipop practice but I can assume that the majority of people will just be dumbfounded, concerned, or just plain scaredThat post will be coming a bit later, I've tried multiple times to write it this week but thats the joy of living in a house with 123 other girls, you easily get distracted and caught up talking and laughing with your sisters until one in the morning instead of just updating your blog. And I'm okay with that. However, in the meantime I thought I would just share a fa la la moment since I really don't want to let my blog lie stagnant for another week.On the plane ride out here I killed time devouring the latest issue of Vanity Fair. Surprise, surprise. As usual it was fantastic. Surprise, Surprise. And made me want to do magazine journalism instead of PR. Surprise, surprise, since that always happens whenever I read a magazine I adore. I plan on doing a post about the magazine overall because its seriously been one of my favorite issues of all time, but for now I just need to focus. Which is an epic fail seeing as "Fa la la" moments are supposed to be cute and little and SHORT things. This post is already you know, four paragraphs long. Great.Anyways I was blown away by Lady Gaga feature. I thought the woman was a freak. And she is, and she's proud of it. But up until reading her interview I really just wasn't a fan, I mean I didn't think she was a menance to society or anything as ludicrious as some politicians seem to think, but I just thought she exgaggerated everything beyond need and took the whole "I'm such a deep, artistically insane performer that I'm going to scare people into loving me." And then Vanity Fair once again enlightened me. Lady Gaga is intelligent. She is extremely put together and has this beautiful sense of reality and she knows what matters in life. Reading this article made me want to personally meet her, that's how intriguing it was.Yes, her sense of style is absolutely crazy but its 110% hers. Everything about her is genuine and authentic down to the last roll of saran wrap covering her face. She isn't trying to impress people, she isn't trying to be so ridiculous for attention. She is who she is, she loves that and she enjoys being crazy. She feeds off being different and while it might be an extreme version of uniqueness I think that desire to be distinct is something we could all strive for a little bit more in our own lives.She isn't just this whacked out fame whore either. I thought she was a freak. And she is, but she owns that, and that makes her so undeniably intelligent and secure. She sounds like one of the most dedicated, ambitious, loving and professional artists out there. She comes across as competent and confident and she takes her work very, very seriously. And that is rare, not just in the entertainment industry, but for the general population. Needless to say, I am now gaga for GaGa and I'm so happy I was able to get to know the woman behind the stocking mask (literally).

"It's about loving who you are. I don't want people to love me; I want them to love themselves. I have a relentless pursuit in me to give everything to my fans to make them feel good about themselves. And if you don't like it, well, then don't come join the party."

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