Welcome to my blog! It isn't much, I know, but it's a start and considering my normal nature of procrastination combined with the unproductive summer I've had, I'd say the fact that this blog exists at all is a bit of a miracle.
Readers be warned: I have absolutely NO rules, regulations or restrictions when it comes to posting on here, which might appear quite bold, risky and whimsical, but in reality it translates to "I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do with my measly public piece of the internet that will probably be viewed by a grand total of seven people." Most people have a focus for their blogs whether it be fashion, art, photography, travel, their children, food, an obsession with all things leopard print, or a play-by-play of their entire daily lives complete with pictures of the half eaten meatloaf they had for dinner. My myriad of interests aren't always cohesive with one another so I dread pigeonholing myself into one focus. I'm just going to do what I love, write, and see where it takes me. I wish I could promise you all a cohesive blog about fashion or books or cooking, but that just isn't me. Too many things influence and inspire me and much of the time they have nothing in common with one another. (Although I can guarantee fashion, books and cooking will no doubt be popular topics). Perhaps my blog will morph into something fantastic because of that, a phantasmagoria comprised of my most meaningful experiences which trigger my most insightful thoughts which swell with intellect and intrigue, all flawlessly and compellingly written, complete with artsy photographs and original, quirky things I've scooped up along the way. Doubtful, but you should know I choose to be a fierce optimist.
Some posts might be reflective, mature and serious, some might be examples of my writing at its absolute best, some might not be... No doubt many of my posts will just be my infamous "blunt bitch rants" in disguise ( But COME ON, people actually consider CROCs appealing footwear? Hope they at least color coordinated them with their fanny-packs...). A handful of fun and frivolity will occur from time to time because I'll be in a delusional state of love-at-first sight, honestly believing the $2,880 Fendi dress will be a part of my fall wardrobe, as I upload montages of my favorite designer clothing. It won't be until my drool drips onto the keyboard that I'm awakened to reality that is the bank account of a poor college student. I'll post some writing that I've been working on for years while others will be quick, fleeting thoughts that somehow managed getting posted.
This is basically my promise that I'm not promising anything. I'm telling you upfront that I am basically just jumping in and fa-la-la-ing around until I make sense out of things. As time progresses I'm sure I'll figure out the direction in which I want to take this (and hopefully rewrite this introduction which is total rubbish), but for now I'll just wing it and see what happens. Kind of like the way I live my life.
I'm Alex, I'm nineteen and I'm studying journalism at the University of Missouri hoping to someday work in PR or write for Vanity Fair. I'm really not picky.
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition--they somehow already know what you truly want to become."