"Play with life, laugh with life, dance with life, and smile at the riddles of life, knowing that life's only true lessons are written small in the margins."
-Johnathan Lockwood Huie
Lately, for whatever reason unbeknownst to me, I've been saying "FA LA LA" randomly. I really do believe that I'm "fa la la ing" through life, but a Fa La La is not only a verb, it is very much a noun. A thing (anything for that matter) that is unique and makes me smile. It usually isn't much of anything, but it has the power to shed some light on what is usually a chaotic and noisy day. A good quote, an awesome picture, some little trinket that caught my attention; the definition of a Fa La La is undefined. I've decided that once a week I'll do a Fa La La post! Just a random little post to brighten the day with something small and sweet. After all if you learn to apprecaite small moments and simple pleasures, you will always be happy; there are so many of them. So here is my first "Fa La La" post, enjoy! It is a picture of Drew Barrymore from the recent issue of Elle magazine. Her quote sums up her mindset really well and I think the photo is gorgeous.

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