I am asking something of every female here at Mizzou, and I guess the world over. Respect yourself; stop wearing track shorts. Just stop. I cannot even fathom where this trend came from (not the chic East Coast I can guarantee you that), but it needs to be eradicated immediately. People have been dulled into this delusion that it’s appropriate and acceptable to wear attire that doesn’t pertain to your lifestyle.Track shorts are for people who run track. While they’re running. Not while attending class or eating lunch. Honestly, the shorts are pretty cute as far as workout clothes go. I’ll admit it, I have two pairs, but I wear them to the gym. They’re workout clothes, unless you’re working out (at that exact moment), why are they on your body? And for about 78.24% of the population, they make your butt look really, really unattractive. Might I also add it seems really ironic that those who wear them almost everyday clearly don’t appear to even know where the Rec is located.I understand that some people have very packed, full-schedule days and the Rec is one of a multitude of things they have to do that day. So, if you get up in the morning and have two classes and then plan on working out, it does make some sense to wear them to class to save time. If you already worked out I would hope you would have the decency to change. And shower. However, I highly doubt the TWENTY-SEVEN girls I saw wearing them from my short trek from Lowry Mall to Gannett Hall were all planning on working out later. Plus, I guess it’s the new “thing” to not only wear track shorts at inappropriate times of the day, but to also make sure they don’t match anything else you’re wearing.I get it, it’s college, and it would be SO CHALLENGING to actually dress yourself in the morning. But consider this practice for, you know, real life. It’s fabulous you have 13 pairs of track shorts all in different colors. Yet when you get your first job and realize you cannot wear track shorts to work and look like a bum, what will you do? Your wardrobe will lack any seemingly professional clothing because you spent all your money building up your collection of non-workout-workout clothes.As I mentioned previously, these shorts aren’t even flattering. Well, maybe if you’re a size 4 or smaller, but in that case you most definitely should be wearing cuter clothes to show of your figure. Stop being lazy. Grow up and get dressed for life. I cannot wait to behold the horror that will result when the colder weather comes and girls cannot wear track shorts everyday, will we see a god-awful combination of leggings with track shorts? Shudder.I understand that many people are susceptible to peer pressure and ridiculous trends, but just because other girls don’t have an ounce of style does not mean you need to succumb to unattractive, random outfit choices. If everyone else is jumping off the bridge, guess what…stay on it. And you sure as hell aren’t wearing track shorts.Oh and here's a little FUN FACT. These "new" Nike track shorts have been on the market for around for fifteen years. Same style, nothing new or special about them. FIFTEEN YEARS. And then all of a sudden every girl who can't dress uses them as her excuse to pretend she has style. Just goes to show you how people get caught up in "trends." Run away from these shorts, there nothing more than a sickening phenomenon.“I miss New York. I still love how people talk to you on the street - just assault you and tell you what they think of your jacket.”-Madonna
I do happen to like wearing Nike track shorts. No, I do not run track, but I do wear them when I work out, which is usually every day. That being said, I do wear them to class and when I am just hanging out in casual situations. I put on "real" clothes when I go out, see friends/family, etc. I even wear "real clothes" to class sometimes. I have a plethora of colors of Nike shorts, but unlike most, I do match/coordinate them to other parts of my outfit. I like to be comfortable when I have 8 am classes until 9pm at night. While wearing Nike shorts may seem lazy to some, I do shower every morning and wear do my hair and makeup, so really, I look very presentable...definitely presentable enough to wear letters.