Once again, this is an excuse of a post, but just thought I'd update with something. One of
my favorite movies, His Girl Friday.

I'm a horrendous blogger. I suck. I profusely apologize. I'm also a very busy little girl. I do however promise to upload my stockpiled "blog-approved" writing over Thanksgiving break. I just want to point out that I write. I write a lot. I actually write pretty much everyday. I'm upset that my blog doesn't reflect that. I wish this were an actual post so I could start remedying that. I'm not ashamed however, of "reblogging" these pictures from tumblr. I feel they do a stellar job illustrating my current mood. I'd still rather this post was 9,000 words than 9 pictures. I understand I'm not perfect though. I'm completely, utterly and happily OK with that. I feel awful if you came here looking for an actual post. I hope you like pictures, because that's all I have to offer. I find myself suddenly coveting a pair of polka-dot tights. I wonder why...